Upcoming Projects

texture of absence/in the absence of...

Carmen Yih in collaboration with Jiawen (Wendy) Feng. Supported by Platform Arts Geelong.

When someone or something exits a space, the space does not return to what it once was, but rather a negative state - defined by the absence of something that was once there. Texture of Absence is a series of vignettes exploring the physical manifestation of absence to more broadly examine how humans cope with loss, particularly focussing on the loss of cultural identity as diaspora immigrants. Yih and Feng delve into the multi-layered and multi-generational impacts of a shedding of cultural codes and body schema - confronting ourselves and viewers with the volume and gravity of erased cultural etchings.

Texture of Absence assigns an auditory texture to absence by using Max/MSP/Jitter in conjunction with wearable gyroscopes to create an interactive soundscape that morphs in relation to our movement and spatial relationship with each other.

Cred. Jeff Busby

Maker of Worlds

Coming soon.

Interested in supporting? Contact me here
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I work on the unceded sacred lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. This land is and always will be Aboriginal land - sovereignty was never ceded. Pay the rent.